Fertilife is a supplement formulated with inositol, Tart Cherry, zinc, selenium, active folate, and vitamin D aimed at addressing the main causes of infertility in women.
What is Fertilife Woman?
Fertilife Women is a supplement aimed at improving fertility and preventing certain problems that may arise during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes or neural tube defects.
It is well-known that certain factors such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, hypothyroidism, or obesity can significantly affect the ovulation process, reducing the chances of successfully conceiving.
Fertilife is a supplement formulated with inositol, tart cherry, zinc, selenium, active folate, and vitamin D. This formula has been designed to address the main causes of infertility in women, achieving a synergistic effect among its various components.
Fertilife is available in 2 different flavors: Tropical and Watermelon.
What are the components of Fertilife Woman?
Inositol is one of the most commonly used compounds in clinical practice as it helps effectively regulate cycles in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, one of the leading causes of infertility in women.
Additionally, inositol has other properties that may benefit women without this condition.
Some studies have shown that supplementation with 4 grams of myo-inositol can help reduce the risk of gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is one of the most common problems during pregnancy and can affect both the mother's health and fetal development.
Tart cherry
The extract of tart cherry (or sour cherry) is known for its high antioxidant power due to its rich flavonoid and anthocyanin content. Antioxidant intake helps reduce the negative impact of reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the follicular level, improving ovarian health in women.
A common symptom of infertility cases is the high presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or "free radicals" accompanied by low antioxidant levels. Factors such as stress, sedentary lifestyle, or low-grade inflammation are often the most common causes of this phenomenon.
According to data published in the ENIDE study (Nutritional Assessment of the Spanish Diet), approximately 80% of people do not consume adequate levels of zinc due to a lack of vegetables in their diet.
Zinc is one of the most abundant minerals in our body. It plays a fundamental role in women's fertility. In women with fertility problems, lower zinc levels have been observed. This mineral cannot be stored, so dietary intake is essential. For this reason, zinc supplementation may be beneficial in certain contexts related to women's health.
Selenium is a micronutrient involved in thyroid hormone production and has a role as an antioxidant. Women undergoing unsuccessful in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures have been observed to have lower selenium levels in their follicular fluid.
Active folate
Methylfolate is the active form of folic acid, which is important since not everyone can genetically metabolize folic acid properly. Folate plays a crucial role in women's fertility by being essential for DNA synthesis and cell division. This nutrient supports reproductive health by aiding egg maturation and promoting proper embryonic development in case of pregnancy. For example, adequate folate levels are key to ensuring neural tube health during early pregnancy.
Additionally, methylfolate helps regulate homocysteine levels, an amino acid associated with fertility complications. Proper intake before and during pregnancy is essential to reduce risks and optimize conception chances.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin primarily obtained through sun exposure. Vitamin D has shown to be beneficial for women with PCOS as it can effectively treat insulin resistance.
One of the main causes of infertility is overweight or obesity. Vitamin D is sequestered by body fat, leading to lower levels in women with fertility problems.
The combination of vitamin D and inositol has shown excellent results in supporting ovulation, menstrual regulation, and improving pregnancy success rates.
The benefits of Fertilife Woman:
- Helps reverse the damage caused by high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
- May reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
- Helps regulate menstrual cycles in PCOS.
- Improves female fertility.
- May enhance egg quality and success rates in in-vitro fertilization.
- Helps reduce low-grade inflammation.
How to take Fertilife Woman?
It is recommended to consume 5g of Fertilife Woman daily, preferably with a high-fat meal.
This product should be taken daily from the moment of trying to conceive until childbirth.
What is the difference between Ovapro and Fertilife?
The formulation of Ovapro is aimed at treating PCOS and hypothyroidism (indirectly improving fertility). Fertilife is specifically formulated to address infertility and pregnancy.
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Hola! Ha llegado sin cazo. Cómo mido la cantidad exacta? ?
¡hola Elena!
Lo más seguro es que el cacito se haya quedado por la parte de abajo del producto y esté cubierto por éste, puedes volcarlo a ver si es el caso. Por otro lado, puedes medirlo con una cucharilla pequeña de postre, dos de ellas rasantes equivalen a la toma de 10 gramos aprox.
Gracias, quedo a tu disposición,
un saludo.
Buenas tardes! Tengo síndrome de ovario poliquistico y en unos meses quiero empezar a buscar el embarazo... que me recomendáis empezar con Ova pro y más tarde pasar a fertilife??? Gracias un saludo
Buenos días Ner,
Sí tienes SOP el Ovapro es el suplemento más recomendable para mejorar el perfil hormonal y con ello, minimizar el impacto negativo que tiene esta enfermedad sobre la fertilidad, en principio con eso sería suficiente. Con el tiempo, si ves que lo necesitas, puedes valorar la opción de incluir alguna otra cosa o cambiar de suplementación, te recomiendo que lo consultes con tu médico especialista.
Gracias a tí, saludos!
Buenas Con AH tratando ya alimentacion con nutri. Mejor este o Ovapro? Gracias
Buenas tardes Gemma,
Para tratar la Amenorrea Hipotalámica, como comentas lo principal es asegurar un adecuado aporte energético y tener acompañamiento profesional. Depende del origen del problema, el Ovapro es especialmente útil en casos de síndrome de ovario poliquístico e hipotiroidismo, consulta con tu médico especialista que te podrá asesorar mejor en función de tu perfil hormonal, pero ambos tienen una composición similar.
Un saludo!
Hola! Quería saber si es compatible con el iodocefol, ya que he visto que contiene también folato. Gracias!
Buenos días Alba,
Tendrás que consultar con tu médico para asegurarte de que la cantidad de ácido fólico no supera la dosis máxima recomendada, este suplemento aporta 400 μg por ración, en función de lo que aporte el medicamento yodocefol mira si puedes combinarlos (el límite está en 1000 μg)
Un saludo!
Es apto para celíacos?
¡Hola Cristina!
En principio no habría problema en que lo consumiera una persona celiaca, ya que entre sus ingredientes no se encuentra el gluten. Advertimos de posibles trazas resultantes de la contaminación cruzada, lo que sería poco probable, ya que elabora en instalaciones donde se procesan otros productos que si lo contienen, aunque todos los alérgenos se almacenan por separado y tenemos un plan de limpieza y desinfección en cada línea de fabricación.
Saludos :)