Supplement based on white kidney bean extract. Helps reduce the number of calories absorbed from carbohydrate-rich foods. Ideal for weight loss diets.
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What is it for?
Food supplements are an interesting aid to a healthy lifestyle. In this sense, weight loss or maintenance of body composition can be oriented from two points of view: total energy expenditure and caloric consumption. Regarding caloric consumption, an energy surplus will be in charge of our weight increasing. Therefore, reducing the number of calories will be necessary if we seek to reduce our body weight.
Among the food supplements that can increase weight loss, we find nutrient absorption inhibitors. These substances are responsible for regulating the process of digestion or metabolization of a nutrient. For this reason, white bean extract is of interest when it comes to reducing the absorption of some carbohydrates such as starches. In line with the above, it is the alpha-amylase activity of this ingredient that allows a smaller amount of carbohydrates to be absorbed after consumption, which ultimately translates into a reduction in total calories. For this purpose, Life Pro has selected the material FABENOL MAX ®, which has alpha-amylase inhibitory activity greater than 20,000 units per gram. This peculiar characteristic makes it the most powerful white bean extract currently studied and with the greatest scientific support, being in many cases up to 3 times higher than generic white bean extracts.
- Reduced absorption of starchy carbohydrates.
- Potential benefits in weight loss when consumed chronically.
- Partial inhibition of carbohydrate digestion.
- Improvement of metabolic markers associated with weight loss.
What dose to take?
The daily dose is 4 capsules (3 g). It is recommended to obtain the maximum effect to divide the daily dose in at least two meals. The pattern of consumption will be between 15 and 40 minutes before the start of meals.
This product is made up of white bean extract with high amylase inhibitory activity as the only ingredient.
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Se puede combinar 4 cápsulas de este producto con 4 cápsulas de chitosan por ejemplo? O sería dañino? Gracias!
¡Hola Edu!
Como tal, no hay problema en combinarlos. Quizás si lo que buscas es inhibir la absorción de un nutriente específico, te aconsejo que si el objetivo es bloquear la absorción de grasas mayoritariamente tomes Chitosan, si en cambio, tu objetivo es reducir la absorción de carbohidratos te decantes por White Kidney Bean.
Si prefieres un suplemento que te sirva de ayuda para ambas opciones, el suplemento ideal sería Fullness, que combina ambos y además tiene el beneficio añadido del aumento de la saciedad fisiológica percibida, es decir, que hará que disminuya la sensación de hambre.
Espero haberte ayudado,
Hola buenas. Quería saber si namás me tomo 1 cápsula al día, en la comida más alta en carbos el beneficio es el mismo?
Hola Marta,
La dosis óptima recomendada es de 3-4 cápsulas diarias, por lo que el efecto será algo menor si decides consumir una única cápsula. No obstante, de esta forma también contribuirá a reducir ligeramente la absorción de energía y prolongar la sensación de saciedad.
Gracias por tu confianza,
Un saludo :)