Life Pro MAP 1000mg. is a supplement with very beneficial nutritional characteristics for any athlete. In its composition it contains the 9 essential amino acids, those that our body is not able to produce by itself.
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Composition of Life Pro MAP 1000mg
This product contains the 9 essential amino acids (L-Leucine, L-Lysine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Threonine, L-Histidine, L-Methine and L-Triptófano)
What is it for?
Life Pro MAP 1000mg is one of the most beneficial supplements for the muscular system and, therefore, for physical performance. In its composition we can find the 9 essential amino acids, which are so named because our body is unable to synthesize them by itself, so they must be provided from outside. It can be done through a balanced diet, but if a high amount is needed, the best option is to resort to supplementation.
What makes Life Pro MAP 1000mg. a very valuable product for athletes is the function of the amino acids it contains, and is that they are responsible for everything related to the construction and regeneration of muscle tissues. That is, this supplement is able to improve such vital aspects as the creation of lean muscle mass or recovery after intense physical exertion.
Because amino acids are essential in the production of protein, an extra contribution such as that of Life Pro MAP 1000mg. has a positive impact on attributes such as strength, power or endurance, in addition to protecting muscle tissues against catabolic processes that can lead to their deterioration.
In short, MAP from Life Pro facilitates muscle growth, optimizes recovery and improves protein synthesis, with all the muscular benefits that this entails.
Benefits of Life Pro MAP 1000mg
- It contains the 9 essential amino acids.
- Improves the synthesis of proteins.
- Increases the creation of muscle mass.
- Optimizes recovery periods.
- It protects the muscles.
- Increases attributes such as muscle strength and power.
How to take Life Pro MAP 1000mg
Take 5 grams a day. It is advisable to do it on an empty stomach or half an hour before a meal.
Que diferencia existen entre los esas, y los maps un saludo
Buenas tardes Mariano,
Ambos contienen los 9 aminoácidos esenciales. Los Eaas se diferencian en que también contienen dos aminoácidos condicionalmente esenciales: cisteína y tirosina.
¡Un saludo!
Puedo abrir las 5 cápsulas y disolverlas en agua?
Buenas tardes Daniel,
No hay problema, puedes disolver su contenido en agua.
Un saludo
Hay que tomar las 5 pastillas juntas o divididas durante el día?
Hola Jorge,
Una sola dosis incluye las 5 cápsulas, los días de entrenamiento se recomienda consumir las 5 cápsulas juntas antes de entrenar
Un saludo
Una cápsula a cuántos gramos equivale en polvo?
Buenas Gema,
Cada cápsula contiene 1000mg de producto, un cacito de MAP en polvo equivale a 7 cápsulas
Este producto contiene gluten?
Hola Agustín,
No contiene gluten entre sus ingredientes, puesto que se compone de aminoácidos aislados.
Aunque nuestro laboratorio tiene desarrollado el Plan de Limpieza y Desinfección en cada una de sus líneas y los alérgenos están almacenados por separado, siempre advertimos de posibles trazas, resultantes de la contaminación cruzada, en caso de las personas alérgicas.
Saludos :)