Life Pro BCAA 2:1:1 is a sports supplement that provides a dose of branched amino acids in a 2:1:1:1 ratio, which contribute to promote muscle mass gain, as well as a better recovery after workouts.
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It is composed of the highest quality amino acids Leucine, Valine and Isoleucine in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.
Life Pro BCAA 2:1:1 is recommended for those athletes who need to improve their recovery time. And they want ingredients that help them minimize the negative effects on muscle tissues as a result of physical exercise, especially endurance exercise.
The BCAA's (Leucine, Valine and Isoleucine) form practically one third of muscle tissue. These three amino acids play a vital role in the processes of protein synthesis and the formation and construction of muscle tissue. They improve and accelerate physical recovery, increase your performance, and promote proper muscle development.
Of these amino acids, leucine is the most important for its effects it provides, although it is strongly supported by the other 2 amino acids as it is responsible for activating the pathway of building muscle mass.
It is ideal for anyone looking for a product that will help them increase their recovery time and have an environment conducive to the regeneration of muscle tissue.
- All whey proteins contain essential amino acids, but make an extra supply of these 3 amino acids.
- BCAAS are directly involved with protein synthesis can increase muscle mass gain.
- They promote muscle buildingand contribute to the production of glutamine.
- Help maintain glucose stores.
- as they can be used as fuel and thus prevent fatigue or postpone it.
- The BCAA‘s are fundamental elements for the maintenance of muscle mass as as well as to accelerate recovery after physical activity. They are part of the proteins.
- The leucine activates the mechanism in the body and promotes a positive nitrogen balance.
- They contribute to reduce fatigue both during and after training and promote optimal recovery after intense workouts. They can reduce muscle damage.
- Reduce muscle damage.
- Reduce muscle soreness.
- They stimulate protein synthesis and prevent catabolism or loss of muscle mass.
- The BCAAs contribute in establishing an anabolic environment in your body, offering you energy in terms of muscle mass.
- They can help foster fat loss and minimize recovery times, fatigue and muscle soreness.
- Improve and accelerate physical recovery, increase your performance, and promote proper muscle development.
Amino acids are those components that make up the proteins: these are formed by long chains, which are divided into two groups: non-essential amino acids and essential amino acids.
The non-essential ones are the essential amino acids.
The non-essential ones are those that our organism can produce by itself and the essential amino acids are those that we must ingest through supplementation or diet. In this category are the 3 that make up the BCAAs.
BCAA 2:1:1:1 of Life Pro It has a ratio of the 3 amino acids that compose it 2:1:1:1.
The ratio refers to the proportion of leucine, isoleucine and valine, in that order provided by the supplement. Life Pro BCAA 2:1:1 provides twice as much leucine as isoleucine and valine.
It is recommended to take a dose of BCAA 2:1:1 of 7.5 grams (which is equal to 2 measures), after training and before bedtime, providing a total dose of 15 g.
Que diferencia hay con el BCAA 8:1:1, cuál me recomendarían si estoy en fase de pérdida de grasa y aumento de masa muscular. Entreno peso y cardio 2 horas diarias y soy una persona activa. Y llevo una alimentación balanceada basada en mis 3 macro nutrientes. Muchas gracias
Buenas tardes Renata,
Se diferencian únicamente en el ratio de los 3 aminoácidos ramificados (Leucina:Isoleucina:Valina) el 8:1:1 es el que mayor proporción de Leucina contiene.
Ambos son una gran opción, puedes optar por el que prefieras
¡Un saludo!
Hola... ¿Sería una buena opción mezclar los BCAS con los EAAS en una misma toma para que sea más completa ésta toma justo antes de entrenar y durante entreno? Gracias
Buenos dias David,
Los BCAAs son 3 aminoácidos: Leucina, Isolecina y Valina, los EAAs son los 9 aminoácidos esenciales, entre los cuales también se encuentran la Leucina, Isoleucina y Valina, por lo que no sería necesario, especialmente si también te suplementas con proteína en polvo. Yo me decantaría por uno de los dos, en tu caso quizás te veas más beneficiado con la toma de EAAs
Gracias por la confianza,
Un saludo :)