Life Pro Whey Protein is a whey protein supplement that has been designed with one of the best raw materials and has an excellent and high quality that differentiates it from other proteins on the market.
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Life Pro Whey has a protein concentration of 78% and with very low amounts of carbohydrates and fats, it is the perfect ally for any athlete who wants to enjoy the benefits of Life Pro concentrate.
Life Pro Whey Protein is the perfect ally for any athlete who wants to enjoy the benefits of Life Pro concentrate.
It should be noted that Life Pro Whey. has been created using the best raw material from one of the world's largest manufacturers. This guarantees a very rich amino acid profile, the absence of aspartame and good digestibility, enhanced by the presence of digestive enzymes that facilitate assimilation by the body.
Life Pro Whey is a protein of high biological value since, if we observe its aminogram, and because it comes from whey, a source of animal origin. It has the 9 essential amino acids and also has a good digestibility
This protein supplement is characterized by having a high concentration of branched chain amino acids or also called BCAAs. BCAAs are three amino acids called valine, isoleucine and leucine which are concentrated in muscle tissue and stimulate protein synthesis.
Whey protein is an essential supplement for the day-to-day life of people who take care of their diet and want to reach their protein requirements in a convenient and delicious way.
Whey protein is an essential supplement for the day-to-day life of people who take care of their diet and want to reach their protein requirements in a convenient and delicious way.
An ideal time of day to take Life Pro Whey is after workouts and thus ensure our muscles that have the necessary nutrients, in this case amino acids, to achieve a complete recovery and avoid as much as possible the appearance of fatigue.
Thanks to the amino acids it contains is a perfect ally for recovery, making more effective rest periods between workouts. It is of high biological value.
- They provide a source of high quality protein, contain all the essential amino acids: it is a source of high biological value proteins.
- We find in its composition a 78% of premium quality protein.
- Versatility: we can make recipes, consume in shake, mix it with other products, for example, yogurt, cheese shake etc.
- It provides the macronutrient responsible for maintaining, building and repairing mass. Protects muscles against catabolism or loss of muscle mass. It is essential for their development. It contributes to the protein synthesis.
- The whey protein helps to raise levels of glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants available to the body.
- It has a high content of BCAAs or branched-chain amino acids: 3 amino acids leucine, valine and isoleucine directly responsible for stimulating protein synthesis.
- Increase the function and proper maintenance of the immune system.
- Generate a feeling of satiety. Protein is one of the macronutrients that provide greater satiety.
- No sugar and low in carbohydrates. It has been sweetened with Stevia, a safe ingredient for human consumption and with low toxicity. It does not generate insulin peaks.
- Improves muscle performance and optimizes recovery.
- It has been designed and is available in more than 10 delicious flavors inspired by traditional Italian ice creams.
- Contains digestive enzymes. Improves indigestion and prevents heaviness.
- Free of aspartame and acelsufame K.
Dissolve 30g mixed in water or skim milk (200 ml – 250 ml). Take 1-2 servings a day, preferably 1 shake at breakfast and 1 shake after training.
Contiene lactosa?
¡Hola Juan!
Si, contiene lactosa de manera natural puesto que la materia prima es suero de leche, no obstante, añadimos la patente de enzima lactasa L-Tolerase para asegurar su absorción y que las personas intolerantes puedan tomarla.
Gracias, un saludo.
Que digáis en un comentario que es apto para celiacos pero que depende del grado de tolerancia que tenga demuestra que no tenéis ni idea sobre la celiaquía. Mientras no podáis garantizar la ausencia de gluten no serán productos áptos para celiacos.
Hola Adriá,
Hay diferentes grados de tolerancia al gluten, puesto que una cosa es ser celiaco y otra tener sensibilidad al gluten no celiaca, no son los mismos síntomas ni la misma reacción del organismo tampoco, además cada caso es personalizado, ya que cada persona es diferente y tiene unas condiciones distintas.
Gracias, espero haber aclarado su duda,
Es apto para celiacos?
¡Hola Edurne!
Si, excepto los sabores que contienen galleta speculoos entre sus ingredientes, ya que esta si contiene gluten. Advertimos de posibles trazas al fabricarse en instalaciones que procesan otros productos que sí lo contienen aunque es poco probable, al conservarlos por separado e implantar un plan de limpieza y desinfección en cada línea de fabricación.
Dependerá del grado de tolerancia que tengas, a priori no hay problema.
saludos :)
La maltodextrina que incluye el complejo encimático genera picos de azucar?
Buenas tardes Manuel,
No, el contenido de maltodextrina en el producto es ínfimo, este ingrediente no tiene ningún impacto sobre la glucemia.
hola! el sabor de black cookie cream solo esta en aislado? o teneis pensamiento de sacarlo tambien el concentrado. gracias
¡Hola Juan Antonio!
Tenemos black cookies en formado de concentrado también, la Whey Gourmet Edition, le dejo el enlace por aquí:
Actualmente está agotada aunque se repondrá pronto,
saludos :)
Buenas tenéis previsto sacar en formato de 2 kg el sabor pinky bun? Y de strawberry sin plátano tenéis previsto sacar? Gracias.
De momento no podría decirte una fecha concreta de ambos sabores en el formato 2kg, tienes disponible el sabor pinky bun en el formato caseína y proteína Isolate y whey gourmet edition.
Saludos :)
Hola buenas, tiene algún derivado de la vaca? No puedo tomarlos por problemas digestivos.
La proteína que contiene proviene del suero de la leche, sin embargo, tienes la opción de la proteína vegana, elaborada a partir de proteína de guisante y arroz:
Gracias, saludos :)
Buenas noches Quería preguntar si la proteína con sabor a capuchino lleva cafeína. ¡Muchas gracias!
Hola ! Es un producto libre de cafeína :)
Buenas, la proteína whey en si no contiene gluten verdad? Gracias
Hola , no contiene gluten entre sus ingredientes , si que ha sido fabricado en una fabrica donde se procesan productos que contienen gluten , siendo trazas lo que puede contener .