An isotonic drink promotes hydration quickly, reducing the adverse effects that dehydration can cause during sports practice.
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What is Life Pro Endurance Hydra Pro 30g?
Dehydration is one of the factors that diminish sports performance during physical exercise, especially when the duration is prolonged, so proper hydration is essential for the correct performance of any sport.
Features of Life Pro Enduranace Hydra Pro
- An isotonic drink must have a specific composition to achieve a fast absorption of water and electrolytes, and it also favors the supply of fast-absorbing carbohydrates.
- An important parameter in this type of drink is the osmolarity, which determines that the drink passes quickly through the stomach and is rapidly absorbed in the small intestine. Drinks with a high osmolarity make the passage through the stomach slower and can increase the risk of digestive problems while taking longer to reach the small intestine and slower absorption. To make it easy to understand, osmolarity refers to the number of molecules diluted in a given liquid, in this case, the carbohydrates and electrolytes present in the beverage.
- In addition to the osmolarity, another important factor that an isotonic drink must meet is the sodium concentration, since during sports practice there is a loss of sodium through sweat that can be significant, especially if the duration of the exercise is prolonged. In addition to sodium, we must not forget potassium, which can also be lost in significant quantities during long-duration exercise.
- Finally, the pH of this type of beverage is not a factor that affects sports performance, but it can have negative consequences on the athlete's health. Since a high consumption of drinks with acidic pH could end up affecting the microbiota, so the pH we have tried to make the drink have a pH as neutral as possible for the maintenance of the microbiota.
Instructions for use:
Dissolve x grams in 500ml of water. It is important to comply with the quantity so that the drink has isotonic characteristics.
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He cogido el kit completo con vosotros para que todo sea de la misma marca. Tengo un poco de lío con los geles, salt caps y los polvos isotónicos. Son dos dudas, la primera entiendo que se pueden tomar los Polvos (en agua me refiero) y las geles (así se llegaría a 60 gr de CH en una hora aprox) pero lo que no me queda claro es si luego se pueden tomar las salt caps o sería demasiado aporte de sales ? O es mejor en estos casos las salt caps y geles/barritas solamente ?
Hola Sergi! No habría ningún problema en combinarlo, ya que, al realizar un ejercicio tan demandante como la mtb, habrá muchas pérdidas de sales mediante el sudor. Las barritas solo te aportan CH y lo ideal es que lo combines con una fuente de sales. Muchas gracias, un saludo!
¡Hola Toni!
Si, el formato es de 30 g monodosis ideal para llevarlo en el bolsillo o mochila, para tomarlo en cualquier momento. Disponible en cuatro sabores, también en formato 810g.
Saludos :)
¡Buenos días! Soy Jaime Sierra, y estoy interesado acerca de vuestro producto Hydra LifePro. Me gustaría saber el contenido de Sodio que contiene Hydra, tanto en valores por cada 100g como 30g que recomendáis cada 500ml, ya que no lo localizo por ningún lado. ¡Muchas gracias! JAIME
Buenas tardes Jaime,
Cada 100 g contiene 1426mg y cada 30g 428 mg.
Gracias a ti, ¡saludos! :)