Life Pro Essentials Gotu Kola 1000 is a food supplement that offers all the natural benefits of gotu kola or asian centella, a plant with a number of very valuable properties. It is diuretic, anti-inflammatory and improves the condition of your skin.
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What Is Gotu Kola 1000?
Life Pro Essentials is a line of products with which Life Pro aims to bring its customers a number of natural ingredients that have very valuable properties. Life Pro Essentials Gotu Kola 1000 is the perfect example to demonstrate that this goal is being achieved, since it is an original plant from Asia and some areas of Africa that, if it were not for this product, many would never know about it.
Life Pro Essentials Gotu Kola 1000 is composed of asian centella, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stannate and gelatin. The gotu kola or asian centella has been used for many years as a therapeutic plant in traditional medicine in India or Japan, among other places.
Life Pro Essentials Gotu Kola 1000 has very valuable properties to get a healthy skin, as it is anti-cellulite tico, prevents problems such as stress or psoriasis and helps increase the production of col geno.
The benefits and properties of Gotu Kola 1000
Anti-aging effect: delays the symptoms of aging and improves the overall appearance of skin, hair and nails
One of the most widespread uses of this natural plant is due to its dermatological properties. These properties are known to improve skin pathologies, including stress, eczema, psoriasis, etc.
It also has anti-cellulite properties. The Gotu Kola also stands out because it can help increase the production of collagen, increase the production of antioxidants and therefore prevent skin aging. Improves circulation, blood flow and healing.
It stimulates the growth of blood capillaries in the connective tissue, improves circulation and venous return of the lower body.
The Gotu Kola acts favoring the reduction and improvement of varicose veins, and reduces edema.
Increase the concentration of antioxidants and choline, improving wound healing
Gotu Kola has a compound called triterpenoids, which in addition to helping reduce anxiety and stress, helps improve wound healing.
Due to these properties, it is also used to improve the condition of scars and burns, preventing the loss of elasticity and decreasing the formation of scars.
Reduces stress levels and reduces anxiety
Gotu Kola can help reduce stress and anxiety without the use of drugs, in a natural way. This occurs because it has compounds called triterpenoids. Triterpenoids have adaptogenic properties. That is, they help to lower these levels, but do not affect the nervous system.
Contributes to the improvement of cognitive function and memory
Gotu Kola helps improve blood flow to the brain and various nerve functions. It contributes to maintaining an optimal balance of the various parts that make up the brain.
This natural plant helps to improve memory as it contributes to maintaining and increasing the levels of enzymes that act as antioxidants in the hippocampus. This also occurs because it acts as a cerebral vasodilator.
It has anti-inflammatory properties
Gotu Kola has numerous anti-inflammatory properties for the body. It is a natural plant that possesses soothing properties and has an effect similar to a natural analgesic.
High blood pressure:
Various studies have shown that Gotu Kola can help to lower high blood pressure.
It is recommended to take a dose of 2 capsules per day with an empty stomach.
Que diferencia tiene este producto con el diuretic? Cual sería mejor para retención de líquidos?
Buenos días María,
Ambos suplementos son muy interesantes. El Gotu Kola (extracto de centella asiática) además de su efecto diurético tiene el potencial de aumentar la regeneración celular y potenciar la síntesis de colágeno en la dermis.
Por otro lado, el Diuretic pro combina una serie de ingredientes que se enfocan principalmente en disminuir la retención de líquidos y mejorar la eliminación de desechos.
Espero haberte ayudado
Si lo tomo en la mañana en ayunas, y tras el desayuno tomo taurina, tea verde y p si nefrina, hay algunoroblema? Y durante cuánto tiempo lo puedo tomar?? Diariamente????
Buenas tardes,
No hay ningún problema por combinarlo con las tres cosas que comentas.
La puedes tomar diariamente siempre que no tengas ninguna patología con la que esté contraindicada, especialmente de origen hepático, consulta con tu médico si tienes dudas al respecto.
Un saludo!
Hola, ¿se puede en cualquier momento del dia mientras el estomago este vacio si ha pasado por ejemplo unas 4 horas desde la ultima comida? ¿o tiene que ser en la mañana en ayunas? lo digo porque en la mañana en ayunas ya tomo los probioticos, la glutamina, y colageno. ¿o se puede mezclar todo lo dicho mas el gotu kola todo sin problema de una vez? Muchas gracias
Buenas David! Se podría tomar de las dos formas que menciona, tanto 4 h después de la última comida, como en ayunas con otros suplementos, ya que no genera ninguna interacción con los suplementos mencionados. Muchas gracias, un saludo!